
Certified Breathwork Instructor

You have a conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. Conscious means you are aware and awake. You are aware of your lessons, thoughts, and behaviors every moment. Your subconscious lives under the surface and is unknown to you. It is where every experience, every wound, every unresolved emotion, and every belief system resides. You are unaware of things hidden in your subconscious.

Through transformative Breathwork

As you breathe, you begin to open your chakras; it begins to push your subconscious energies, wounds, and beliefs up to your conscious awareness and then out of your body. This speeds up your transformational journey; as you clear roadblocks faster from your subconscious, it speeds up your life in many ways.

The subconscious limiting beliefs you used to listen to unconsciously become conscious. As you become aware of it, you are no longer controlled by it. While it clears, you also have an opportunity to create a new relationship with it and make new choices for yourself.

‘Your heart energy begins to open with the second part of your inhale, which goes right into the center of your chest. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is calming to the mind and body. It is said that your breath controls your mind. You can redirect your mind away with your breath. It opens creativity and intuition and raises the frequency. It connects you with your soul.’